All-In Cities: Leveraging City Resources to Grow Good, Accessible Jobs
Happy New Year!
2018 is set to be a big year for PolicyLink and the All-In Cities team. First, the countdown to the 2018 Equity Summit has officially begun! Join thousands of activists, organizers, scholars, and leaders in Chicago, April 11–13, to collectively step into our power, activate our imaginations, and set the national agenda.
We are also starting the year off by launching new bodies of work. This month we are beginning a webinar series to support advocates, organizers, and policymakers around local strategies to create racial and economic equity. In addition, we are launching the All-In Cities Anti-Displacement Policy Network, a learning community that will support a cohort of cities committed to developing actionable anti-displacement policy agendas.
We will also be announcing our newest cohort of community coalitions working to advance equity in their cities. In addition, we will continue to partner with local governments committed to racial inclusion throughout the year to help them understand their current performance and take steps to achieve equitable outcomes.
Throughout 2018, we will be helping local leaders put equity strategies into action by expanding the All-In Cities Policy Toolkit to share more information about specific policy solutions and how they are being successfully implemented in different local contexts. To support this work, we are launching an ongoing webinar series highlighting promising and innovative policy solutions to build equitable cities for all. Register now for Part I:
Leveraging City Resources to Grow Good, Accessible Jobs
January 31, 2018
10:00 - 10:45 a.m. Pacific / 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. Eastern
As inequality grows alongside persistent racial inequities in income and employment, cities can play a leading role to create high-quality jobs and cultivate a high-road business culture — by allocating city contracting and procurement dollars and providing supports to help companies implement equitable business practices. This webinar will focus on equitable contracting and procurement and business supports to improve job quality, two approaches cities can use to grow good jobs.
Confirmed speakers:
- Jessica Brokaw, City of St. Paul
- Darius Foster, City of Seattle
- Abbie Langston, PolicyLink (moderator)
Watch out for these announcements and, as always, let us know how we can help your city become more all in!
Tracey Ross