All-In Cities: Building Momentum Across the Country
Over the past few months, the All-In Cities team has been working to deepen our ongoing partnerships and expand the number of cities we are working with. Recently, we released a number of equity profiles and policy briefs that outline how a city’s population is changing, describes a city’s economic vitality, details how prepared residents are for the future, and whether residents live in communities connected to opportunity. Today’s update shows how cities and metros as diverse as Fresno, New Orleans, and Long Island are generating and advancing solutions to achieve racial inclusion and equitable growth.
Advancing Health Equity and Inclusive Growth in Fresno County
Since January, PolicyLink has been working with the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, a community coalition that works with negatively impacted communities to advance equity and justice in the San Joaquin and East Coachella Valleys, to produce a comprehensive equity profile. On April 11, PolicyLink, in partnership with the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability released a profile and policy brief on Fresno County at a community forum. The event featured a panel discussion focused on the implications for the research in health equity campaigns. In addition to the unique data analysis, the documents contain actionable solutions for residents, advocates, business leaders, and policymakers seeking to reduce racial inequalities and build a stronger Fresno. The Leadership Counsel intends to use the information in the profile to mobilize residents and advocates around California’s Transformative Climate Communities Program.
New Data Profile Supports City of New Orleans Equity Strategy
Over the past year, PolicyLink has been working with the Office of Mayor Landrieu in New Orleans to provide assistance with developing an equity strategy. On April 20, the City of New Orleans officially launched its Equity Strategy, describing how local government will do its part to build a stronger, more inclusive city by advancing equity through its operations and decision making. At the event, Senior Director Sarah Treuhaft participated on a panel then held a session to share the findings of the equity profile of New Orleans developed by PolicyLink with the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) at USC - the first of a series of ten new equity profiles produced with the support of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
Empowering Black Long Island
In partnership with the Long Island Urban League and through the support of Citi Community Development, the Long Island Community Foundation, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we released a data profile and policy brief, Empowering Black Long Island: How Equity Is Key to the Future of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. On April 24, close to 200 leaders and several members of the press gathered to learn more about the research findings and plans for the work ahead. PolicyLink CEO Angela Glover Blackwell participated in a panel alongside Bob Annibale of Citi Community Development and Lorie A. Slutsky, President of the New York Community Trust, to reflect on the data and share their insights on equity and inclusion in the region and across the country. The event closed with a panel of local leaders discussing the work ahead, which included Steve Bellone, Suffolk County Executive; Valerie M. Cartright, Councilwoman, Town of Brookhaven; and Timothy Williams of the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency. Coverage of the event can be found in Newsday and Next City.
#CitiesResist Webinar: Three Communities Implementing HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Commitment
On April 20, PolicyLink hosted a webinar in partnership with the Government Alliance on Racial Equity, on the experiences of the inaugural cohort of jurisdictions to come into compliance with HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH). City and Community leaders from the Kansas City region, Philadelphia, and Wilmington, NC presented on their work to date. In addition, Harriet Tregoning, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Community Planning and Development at HUD, shared insights from the pilot process and roll out of the AFFH rule. Dwayne Marsh, Deputy Director of GARE, also provided insights on the work occurring across the country. Check-out the webinar recording and presentation slides.