Preserving Neighborhoods with Community Land Trust
Cities across the country are facing a housing crisis. Both renters and homeowners are struggling to navigate skyrocketing housing costs and stagnant wages. Low-income people of color, in particular, are being hit hardest as they face both residential and cultural displacement. Community land trusts have historically served as a viable strategy for both organizing residents and preserving low-income communities of color.
This webinar will highlight the significance of community land trusts as an equitable development strategy for preventing the displacement of low-income people of color in gentrifying neighborhoods.
Please join Ashley Allen from Houston Community Land Trust and Zachary Murray from Oakland Community Land Trust as they discuss the history of community land trusts as a civil rights strategy for preserving communities of color and some of the successes, challenges, and lessons learned in their efforts to use to develop community land trusts in their respective cities.
Featured Speakers:
- Ashley Allen, Executive Director, Houston Community Land Trust
- Zachary Murray, Program Manager, Oakland Community Land Trust