Good jobs

Provide comprehensive supports and integrated services to help public school students and their families succeed.
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Direct public investments and resources toward building opportunity in high-need, distressed communities.
Build infrastructure that increases health, livability, mobility, opportunity, and resilience for vulnerable communities.
Dismantle barriers to employment and services for the formerly incarcerated and other disadvantaged workers.
Transform low-wage jobs into good jobs by setting high standards for job quality.
Ensure safe and just policing practices and increase accountability.
Secure vulnerable renters and prevent displacement through services, legal protections, and rent stabilization policies.
Direct strategies to grow high-road, inclusive businesses and good jobs for workers without college degrees.
Stop overpolicing and racial profiling and reform municipal courts.
Ensure all residents are protected from discrimination, have access to services, and can engage in city affairs.
Implement workforce strategies that connect un- and underemployed workers to good jobs and careers in growing industries.
Provide high-quality education for low-income children from preschool through career and prevent school pushout.
Ensure all neighborhoods provide access to healthy food, high-quality parks, clean air, and other elements of a healthy built environment.
Ensure public policies and investments foster healthy, economically-integrated neighborhoods.
Increase access to good jobs through local, targeted, and fair hiring.
Expand and preserve affordability through zoning, incentives, and development.
Leverage purchasing power to help entrepreneurs of color and triple-bottom-line businesses grow and create more good jobs.
Prevent wealth stripping and support financial security and asset building.